Portland Office Park

It was a near full house at this forum held Oct 17 at the Portland Public Library.  Jennifer Small, Associate Broker at Malone was one of the four panelists at this Business Breakfast Forum led by Portland Press Herald Business Reporter, J. Craig Anderson.   The panel discussion included existing properties and new construction in Portland and how that impacts Class A and Class B office, downtown, mixed use, the suburban market, traffic and parking.   The panel also did a Q&A with the audience.

 “…with regards to medical office space, we’ve seen most expansion in existing buildings and there is good inventory which makes it less expensive than new construction.  Suburban buildings have appeal for expansions because there’s less of a scramble for parking.  Consolidations of practices are a large part of medical office expansion in Portland.”  - Jennifer Small, Associate Broker

Panelists: Drew Anderson, Attorney & Partner - Murray Plumb & Murray; Sam LeGeyt, Associate Broker - NAI/The Dunham Group; Jennifer Small, Associate Broker - Malone Commercial Brokers; Nate Stevens, Associate Broker - CBRE/The Boulos Co.